Angelides Heads Crime Panel That Protects Criminals

by Fred Snider Sunday, Jan. 17, 2010 at 9:11 AM

It's another case of the fox protecting the chicken coop, as Phil Angelides is put in charge of investigating major financial crime, while he was part of SEIU stealing million of dollars for many years.

When Phil Angelides and Steve Westly were running against each other to see which one of them would be pretending to run against California's governor back in 2005, I contacted each of their campaign headquarters with reports of how he was involved with the major crimes of SEIU local 434b in Los Angeles, & allowing them to corrupt politicians & our Justice System. Both of them failed to use the evidence that I presented to secure the seats of office that they were supposed to be seeking.

So now, Phil Angelides is the chair of the newly-formed Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, which is supposed to be investigating & stopping major financial crimes against Americans, yet SEIU is still being allowed to proliferate their many blatant felonies against us all.

Their actions in Los Angeles were nothing short of racketeering, but the LAPD refused to prosecute them, & their Internal Affairs department refused to investigate why they were letting them get away with it.

I reported the crimes all the way up the chain of command, sending the list of law enforcement agencies who were not enforcing the laws as they were getting paid to do, & telling each new agency that they would be added to the list of slackers that I would send to the next higher up if they also failed to take the appropriate actions to protect the public, all the way to then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, & beyond, to the FBI & IRS.

Someone should enlighten the current Attorney General, Mr. Eric Holder, that the man he has heading the new commission was in cahoots with the crimes of SEIU, & that he should be replaced by someone who will stop SEIU from continuing to steal millions of dollars from Americans.

And to stop Obama from pushing their fraudulent "health care" scam on us all.

I researched the 434b website, & notified prominent people who were on their list of supporters about the felonies, including Senator Martha Escutia & the Cardinal Roger Mahoney.

Senator Escutia sent reports on her official stationary to the offices of the governor & State attorney general, who both did nothing.