by R of the Northeast LA Radical Neighbors
Sunday, Dec. 27, 2009 at 1:18 PM
This was the sixth consecutive year (a conservative count) that the Northeast LA Radical Neighbors have held vigils on December 25. The last several vigils have been a joint collaboration with the weekly Montrose Peace Vigil.

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Many of us in the peace movement are well into our eighth year of protesting the Iraq "war" on a weekly basis. Naturally, these vigils have become a bit burdensome at times--but for me, the Xmas Day vigils are a great way to start the holiday and to capture the spirit of "peace on Earth."
Locations of our December 25 vigil have changed over the years. Yesterday, we had it in Eagle Rock. Six of us turned out. While many passersby were non-committal, many others gave us peace signs (and we exchanged waves with a police car). A few even thanked us for being there.
Many of ours signs addressed the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, but support for same-sex marriage was also prominent.