Llano Del RIo Collective... Looking for Another LA

by Llano Del Rio Collective Friday, Oct. 23, 2009 at 7:08 AM

The Llano Del Rio working group is creating a map, to be published and made available (free to you and others) of Another LA. We seek your entries of sites where activities making real other possibilities occur.

We're trying to find another LA!
You’re already here, we’d just like to see you a little clearer.
(please forward widely)

The Llano Del Rio working group is creating a map, to be published and made available (free to you and others) of Another LA. We seek your entries of sites where activities making real other possibilities occur.

Are you encouraging individual and group detours away from economics as we know it? Are you a guerrilla historian? Participating in an alternative news source? Do you operate a no-profit space? Are you developing stuff that will make sense when the shit hits the fan, the love bomb drops, or somewhere in between? Are you pursuing alternative models of development? Do you operate a backyard beehive? Member of a coop? Part of a cycling mob? Are you working in public, not getting paid and not considered a social worker or public artist? Are you painting bicycle lanes on Glendale Boulevard? Are you planting gardens in traffic medians? Are you inventing, selling, or operating solar powered gizmos? Stirring shit up? Tilling an urban farm? Planting urban nightmares? Do you participate in schizo-cultural activities furthering esoteric beliefs and practices? Do you chew gum in public with friends and call it something other? Do you run a print kitchen, beer kitchen, bicycle kitchen, bio-fuels kitchen, a stitching kitchen or just heat an oven? Are you a part of a neighborhood vigil against war? Are you aware of a business resistant to time like a typewriter shop or a mythic location where shamans roam the valley? Is there a neighborhood your aware of with so much front yard agriculture that you just got to share it? Are you supporting the pursuit of an esoteric art and craft? Player in a radical cheer group, marching band, or cycling ensemble? Popularizer of unpopular or unknown wisdoms? Do you have difficulty with the pronoun “I”, but find comfort talking about “we”? Are you aware of another LA beneath the traffic lanes?

Please email llanodelrio@gmail.com with the following information immediately (deadline Oct.31).

1) The name of group, activity, collective or etc…. (something that can be a title).
2) A two to three sentence concise description of what you do otherwise.
3) The physical address or addresses of your center of operation(s).*
4) Email contact info.

*If you are shy about giving an exact location, consider sharing your neighborhood, or perhaps a fictional LA address will do.

If you have any questions please contact us at llanodelrio@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you all.

The Llano del Rio working group is an ad hoc group of artists, activists, social ecologists, and writers with a long standing interest in the alternative infrastructure of LA. Author and activist Chris Carlsson contends in his book, Nowtopia, that beyond the world of traditional labor, people are building practical alternatives to the current order. We’d like to see ifand how that is so. Maps will be a part of an exhibition planned for this Fall at Otis College. There after they’ll be distributed widely.