by Repost
Saturday, Jun. 20, 2009 at 9:30 AM
According to a reliable source, the US Border Patrol, which has an office in Riverside, California, is increasing its quota for the month of June. The increased pressure on USBP agents has already resulted in raids on day labor corners in Riverside and San Bernardino, with more sure to follow. Activists are asking for volunteers to be present at day labor corners to help prevent against abuses and document detentions.
Tuesday, June 16 -- At least four people detained at the day laborer corner in the Casa Blanca neighborhood of Riverside. Calls to the hotline report Border Patrol presence at a Latino market with up to ten people possibly detained. Other reports indicate BP presence on the streets of San Bernardino. Several detentions reported in Barstow.
Thursday, June 18 -- Approximately 10 workers were arrested at the day laborer corner in the Casa Blanca neighborhood of Riverside. One man was injured as he attempted to flee. One human rights defender was harassed by a security guard while attempting to respond to a call to the raids hotline.