by Robert Stuart Lowden
Sunday, May. 03, 2009 at 12:27 PM
May first protests march down Broadway in Los Angeles with fewer participants than last year with the LAPD taking a more relaxed stance.

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The traditional May Day protests staged here in Los Angeles went ahead peacefully but with fewer participants than 2008.
The LAPD took on a more relaxed stance this time. There was a welcome lack of riot gear and other over the top accessories.
The main questions and cries that were in evidence amongst the activists this year were those of how the new Obama administration will handle immigration and more specifically it's plans for I.C.E. ; with it's program of raiding and deportation resulting often in the breakup up of Southland families and the banishment of many breadwinners to a stagnant NAFTA scarred economy.
The classic colors of red were worn, revolutionary songs were sung, American flags were sold by the bushels and a holiday feel was in the air for a group that has many members who wait in constant fear for a knock at their door on one of these early mornings.
A knock and a call that would forever change their version of the American Dream.
But just like most any American parade .......
It was a hopeful crowd.
Robert Lowden
May 2, 2009