by Bryan Thomas (Anarcat Collective)
Friday, Oct. 31, 2008 at 8:00 PM
Hundreds take the streets in Temecula to say NO ON PROP 8!

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In these weeks leading to the election, there has been a lot of action on both sides of the issues. Yet it seems no clearer than in one of the most conservative areas of Southern California, the inland empire, where action has sprung almost from nowhere.
Groups like the Anarcat Collective, the Temecula chapter of PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), and local school GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) groups have come together over the issue of proposition 8 and equal rights to form some of the largest street protests the valley has seen.
Against clear presence of opposition, numbers have grown. Most notable were rallies like that of Tuesday, October 28, where over 200 supporters gathered at the busy intersection of Ynez Rd. and Rancho California Rd., staying until well after dark and filling all four corners.
The consensus of many rally-goers seems clear. Prop 8 is not only a breach of basic civil rights, but a clear marriage of church and state. Messages on signs range from "We didn't vote on your marriage," to some variations of opposing slogans, like "Protect EVERY marriage."
In such a traditionally conservative area, reaction has also been surprisingly warm, with honks of appreciation and support well outnumbering negativity.
A few hours into one of the first cool fall nights of the year, moral was once again high on Thursday. With only sparce sprinkles of rain, weather smiled upon the locals. One pioneering group even came up with a catchy twist of a chant.
"Olé! Olé olé olé! No on eight! No on eight!"
With less than a week until November 4, organization has reached it's height. New bonds have formed and friends have been made. And the only guarantee from the decision this Tuesday is that it will never seperate these bonds. It will never seperate anyone in love, only make us stronger for it. Marriage will always be our right and we will always stand up to keep it.
(Rallies will also be held Saturday and Sunday, November 1 & 2, at the corner of Winchester Rd. and Ynez Rd. in Temecula at 2:00 PM. For more information contact the Anarcat Collective at