Vote Green! Piera-Avila for Council

by twirl Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2008 at 9:51 AM

For 3 decades, LINDA PIERA-AVILA has been a passionate environmental, social justice, electoral reform and peace activist. Now she is putting herself on the line and running for Santa Monica City Council to put the public back into public service!

Hello friends of Linda Piera-Avila for Santa Monica City Council,

Linda PIERA-AVILA has been a busy bee -- participating in 9 Candidate Forums, 3 City TV tapings, passing out flyers at the Farmers Market with her volunteers,
Chamber of Commerce mixer, meet-n-greets, block parties, neighborhood association meetings, interviewed twice by the Daily Press, etc.

For 3 decades, LINDA PIERA-AVILA has been a passionate environmental, social justice, electoral reform and peace activist. (see below for her history)

And the campaign is still going strong in this home stretch--WE NEED YOUR HELP to WALK/FLYER IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD!


Great video of Linda's answers to local issues in
the context of global warming, climate change, sustainability and social
justice at the candidate forum co-sponsored by the Santa Monica Daily
Press, the Ocean Park Association and the North of Montana Association on Oct. 22.

PIERA-AVILA's video statements on Santa Monica City TV:

2) There are 2 Lindas running for the council; so remind your friends to VOTE for the Linda with the HYPENATED LAST NAME!

3) **** Please WALK with us in the Pico Neighborhood. Weekdays starting Tues, Oct. 28, anytime after 4pm, and this Saturday & Sunday anytime after 10am, pick up
flyers at Linda's apartment: 1424 12th St. #E

Contact lisa at or 310-395-4044 to RSVP for walking in the Pico Neighborhood.

4) If you haven't already, please make a DONATION to the campaign:

5) THANKS to everyone who is spreading the word about Linda PIERA-AVILA to Santa Monica voters and volunteering on this campaign.

Read the Santa Monica Daily Press feature on Linda, starting here on pg. 3, with photo:

For 3 decades, LINDA PIERA-AVILA has been a passionate environmental, social justice, electoral reform and peace activist.

Maybe you know about LINDA PIERA-AVILA's many dedicated actions to save the environment. She participated in the movement to protect California’s old growth redwood forests, collecting signatures and lobbying in Sacramento, joining with activists such as Julia Butterfly Hill; worked to save the Ballona Wetlands, and going back to the late '80s supported protecting sacred sites and resisting the relocation of native people at Big Mountain.

Maybe you know about LINDA PIERA-AVILA's many actions to support workers’ rights to a living wage and fair working conditions. She joined the picket line in front of Vons on Lincoln Blvd. in solidarity with the striking grocery store workers. She has repeatedly participated in actions to support hotel workers near LAX. This is a personal issue for Linda as her grandfather was a cook at the Miramar in Santa Monica many years ago.

Maybe you know about LINDA PIERA-AVILA's hard work in trying to save the South Central Farm, a community garden that the City of Los Angeles set aside for such purpose on an undeveloped parcel of land in the poorest part of urban Los Angeles. The Farm, sold out from under the Farmers by the city to a Brentwood developer, was eventually razed, but has still not been developed. Efforts continue to reclaim the Farm. That experience taught Linda about the power of community building, which she will bring to her service on the Santa Monica City Council.

Maybe you know that LINDA PIERA-AVILA has spoken many times before the Santa Monica City Council about issues that matter to her, like “clean money,” also known as public financing of campaigns; ranked choice voting, where voters rank their choice of candidate, thus facilitating more representative elections, and resisting the adjacent mega development known as Playa Vista and speaking out for indigenous peoples’ rights.

Now she is putting herself on the line and running for
Santa Monica City Council to put the public back into public service!

LINDA PIERA-AVILA is endorsed by Treesavers, Santa Monica Greens,
Los Angeles Greens, South Central Farm Action Fund, Concerned Residents Against Airport Pollution (C.R.A.A.P.)
Michael Feinstein, former mayor of Santa Monica and Councilmember (1996-2004),
Kelly Hayes-Raitt, former commissioner, SM Commission on the Status of Women,
Tezozomoc, Representative, South Central Farmers,
Dr. Genevieve Marcus, cofounder Green Party of California,
Denise Munro Robb, comic and former L.A. City Council candidate,
Leslie Radford, journalist, Susan Moloney, Campaign for Old Growth,
Maria Loya, Pico Neighborhood Assn. board member,
Oscar de la Torre, President, Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District Board of Education
John Quigley, educator and activist, and many other progressive individuals.

Please visit or donate to LINDA PIERA-AVILA's campaign:

Also, join Linda as a friend on Myspace and Facebook:

Some Organizations Linda has been involved with over the years:

Santa Monica Ranked Voting
Arlington West Memorial at Santa Monica Pier
L.A. Voters for Instant Runoff Elections (LAVOTEFIRE)
New America Foundation's Political Reform Program
Elected member, Green Party of Los Angeles County Council, 2008-current
Santa Monica Greens, Westside Greens and Los Angeles Greens
Campaign For Old Growth
West Bluffs Conservancy
Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE)
Green Party of California
Green National Committee, GP-US, 2007-current
Delegate to Green Party National Convention
South Central Farm
Big Mountain Support Group
Save Puvungna Coalition (sacred site on the campus of Cal State Long Beach)
Program director, WODOC, an environmental education organization in the Santa Monica Mountains

LINDA PIERA-AVILA for Santa Monica City Council, Vote on November 4th