by Marcus & A
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2008 at 10:45 AM
Denver, Colorado, August 25--Yesterday one thousand people showed up on the steps of the Capitol in Downtown Denver for the rally and the march calling for the end of the occupation in Iraq. Cindy Sheehan spoke first for 10 minutes asking the people to help her to displace Mrs. Pelosi from the head of congress.

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Denver, Colorado, August 25--Yesterday one thousand people showed up on the steps of the Capitol in Downtown Denver for the rally and the march calling for the end of the occupation in Iraq. Cindy Sheehan spoke first for 10 minutes asking the people to help her to displace Mrs. Pelosi from the head of congress.
Soon after, Ron Kovik spoke for a short time, ending his speech with. "The whole world is watching" which the crowd shouted back a dozen time.
Indeed the whole world will be watching the stuff that the corporate media do not report or report poorly, like this rally. More than a hundred citizen journalists who have registered with Colorado IMC, will covert the DNC reporting on different sites in the network but mainly to the US and Colorado Indymedia. These reports you might see soon. Other more detailed work will be published at the end of the DNC, like films and video productions.
At the end of the rally green party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney and her running mate beat the drum taking on the Democrats and the Republicans for catering to the rich and the powerful and not doing right by the people. Citing the outreageous military spending, Katrina, the war in Iraq, the absence of universal health care, among many other things. Her speech ended with a big sheer from the crowd.
The rally was followed by a march, from the step of the Capitol to the Pepsi Center, the location where corporate media is covering the DNC. Legal observers reported that the Denver PD were courteous during the march.
by Marcus & A