Consolidated May Day Time Line:

by LA-IMC Saturday, May. 03, 2008 at 6:54 AM

Consolidated May Day Time Line:

10:20 am - Scattered Incidents of Student Walkouts. Although nothing compared to the scale of the last two years, there are reports of a few small student rallies taking place at some High Schools in South Central. There is a report of a group of students from Manual Arts High marching North on Vermont.

11:20 am - More walkouts at Venice High & Van Nuys High.
About 100 students at Venice High have walkout and are gathering at the front of the school. Another 50 reported at Van Nuys High.

2:15 pm - May Day Actions Across City Current reports:

An estimated 3,000 people are now at Olympic & Broadway. March set to start soon.

About 500 gathered at McArthur Park at this time.

Student walks outs and sit outs reported at a number of area High Schools, including 300 at Venice High, 50 at Manual Arts High, and 50 at Van Nuys High. (LA-IMC reporter prohibited from talking with students at Venice High by school administrator.)

Reports of smaller marches around the city. Feeder march reported marching East on Washington Blvd towards downtown march.

2:45 pm Update
Both marches have started. Broadway march progressing up Broadway. McArthur March now on 7th Street approaching 110 downtown freeway overpass.

3:00 pm March from McArthur now downtown
March estimated at 1,500 - 2,000 now.

3:20 update Marches have merged at 5th & Broadway. 5,000+ estimated there now.
Marches have merged at 5th & Broadway. 5,000+ estimated there now.

3:45 pm May Day Marches all downtown now
Caller from the scene estimates 5,000 at 5th & Broadway, maybe more. Caller to newsroom describes the scene: “Marchers mood is festive. Strong show of unity.” South Central Farmers have a contingent. Merge of two marches is going slowly, people are packed together at 5th & B-way. March is peaceful at this time. No major police incidents observed.

2nd source: Unconfirmed report of one arrest. Police riot units said to be shadowing the march from one block over

4:45 pm Splinter march on 1st Street
Legalize LA has started a splinter march East on 1st to go South on Alameda. Police are allowing the off permit march route and opening up the street for the marchers.

Additional: The crowd at rally point is said to growing. Some estimate 10,000 there now. Most march groups at rally point now. Also protest related arrests number three now. No word on charges.

5:00pm Bomb scare: Police are sealing off an area near City Hall for investigation of a suspect package. An MTA bus has been halted and passengers taken off as part of the police action in this area. March & rally seems not to be effective by this.

5:20 pm - False Alarm on Suspect package. No bomb.