Depleted Uranium Inside the Human Body: Dr. Rosalie Bertell

by Cathy Garger Monday, Aug. 20, 2007 at 1:04 PM

Dr. Rosalie Bertell's short new film describes what Depleted Uranium in combat does to the human body.

Depleted Uranium Ins...
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Here is Sister Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., Epidemiologist, in a short film, "Depleted Uranium Inside the Human Body". In this brief video, Dr. Bertell explains, using simple terms anyone can understand, how "Depleted" Uranium (Uranium-238) when used in combat, impacts and damages the human body.

This brief ten minute film should be required viewing for anyone contemplating enlisting for military service or for anyone who does not yet know what "Depleted" Uranium is doing to people all over the planet.

View the short video here: or

To read Dr. Bertell's articles:

To watch more of Dr. Bertell's videos:

After becoming familiar with the devastating effects of weaponized "Depleted" Uranium, a ceramic Uranium oxide gas that has been affecting millions of innocents in Europe, the Middle East and other parts of Asia, the United States, Somalia, and other nations of the world? Let's all do as Sister Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D. does and let our conscience dictate our next actions.

The United Nations is very clear that "Depleted Uranium" is considered illegal under international law. Its use is considered a crime against humanity.

In the words of Izaak Walton,

"The person that loses their conscience has nothing left worth keeping."

Cathy Garger