5/1: NISN Statement on LAPD Attacks May Day Immigrant Marchers, TAKE ACTION!

by Lee Siu Hin - Immigrant Solidarity Network Wednesday, May. 02, 2007 at 7:35 PM
info@immigrantsolidarity.org (213)403-0131 Los Angeles, CA

NISN Statement on LAPD Brutally Attacks May Day Immigrant Marchers at McArthur Park

National Immigrant Solidarity Network, ActionLA Coalition
Statement on LAPD Brutally Attacks May Day Immigrant Marchers at McArthur Park

Lee Siu Hin
National Coordinator
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
Action LA Coalition

May 1, 2007 10:00 PM PST

National Immigrant Solidarity Network and Action LA is outraged to learn that at about 6:30 PM, May 1, the LAPD fired rubber bullets and tear gas into crowds of hundreds of people at the May Day rally in McArthur Park. This was after the police had declared an unlawful assembly. Most of the people present did not hear or know about the police declaration..

The LAPD failed to act professionally and demonstrate restraint when it used excess force against a peaceful rally of families which included mothers, babies and young children. The LAPD lacked recognition of the consequences of it's actions.

Shame on the LAPD for failing to careful think before using brutal force to attack peaceful marchers.

We are calling community members, civil leaders to Immediately call LAPD chief William Bratton, and LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa office, to demand the following:

1) An immediate independent police investigation of the May Day incident at McArthur Park, and demand officers who violated the police guidelines be punished.

2) The immediate and full disclosure from LAPD of any people arrested and detained, we further demand that the LAPD not act as immigrant agents to enforce Federal immigrant law. Due-process of any detainees must be respected.

We encourage anyone if you have information about the May Day McArthur Park incident, please contact us: (213)403-0131 or e-mail: info@immigrantsolidarity.org

We'll issue another detail statement soon and your support is highly appreciated.

Lee Siu Hin
National Coordinator
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
ActionLA Coalition

LAPD Hotline:
Toll Free (1-877-275-5273)
Spanish Line (Español)

LA Mayor's Office:

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org
e-mail: info@ImmigrantSolidarity.org
New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.: (202)595-8990