by xxinfinity
Wednesday, May. 02, 2007 at 6:15 PM
Media of the "cops" gearing up to assault at MacArthur Park
05-01-07_1852.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
I was on my way to MacArthur Park to catch the last of the festivities for May Day when walking from my car, parked at Lafayette Park and Wilshire, I saw 5 cop cars with police in riot gear, sirens blaring, zoom by me. I later called my friend to meet up with him and he said "i'm in the middle of a rebellion I have to call you back... We're on 6th street." I ran into police barriers blocking me from getting to MacArthur Park while running into protesters leaving the area on the way. I decided to stay around and see what was going on. This is the media I took during that time.
I hope everyone at the park and protest are ok. From what I heard on the reports on KPFK of attendees that police on motorcycles drove through the crowd and that angered protesters. Some of the cops were pushed on their sides. Then cops began to instigate the protesters and people began to go to Alvarado. Then the cops began to shoot rubber bullets and tear gas into a crowd of 10,000 that included children.
The mayor is out and Bratton has taken over. Call your news stations and call the city hall, make sure everyone knows of the injustice that happened at MacArthur park! People should not have to be taken away in stretchers or fear for their lives when they gather during an international day to honor workers worldwide, or at any time that they decide to convene to speak their minds!