by Erasmo Cruz
Wednesday, May. 02, 2007 at 5:00 PM
Police shoot tear gas and rubber bullets into Immigrants Rights March
Police took over all of Alvarado Street between Wilshire and 8th street. Tactical Swat arrived and they began to shoot tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowd that was in the park. They then proceeded to clear out the entire area until reaching the area where the majority of the crowd was listening to live music and enjoying different performances. They declared an unlawful assembly and began to disperse people, tactically moving the crowd out of the area. At one point the police was yelling to people that if "they cared about their kids they would go home". Because they cared, they were there in the first place, and even if they would have left, the police threat does not go away. Today, as any other day that you encounter the police, they demonstrated their place and function in our society, and in so doing, our relationship to them.