Monday, Feb. 26, 2007 at 6:18 AM
Military Families Speak Out Presents Congressman Dennis Kucinich a Peace Award. Hollywood & Vine, Hollywood, CA USA February 24, 2007
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(text of presenter)...
"We come here today to honor an individual who mirrors those ideals held near to thousands of military families...MILITARY FAMILIES...who worry about their sons, their daughters, their husbands, their wives, their sisters and brothers, their mothers and fathers, their aunts and uncles, their cousins, their grandmothers and grandfathers, their granddaughters and grandson....who are stationed in Iraq...IRAQ!!! Where over 3,100 United States soldiers have died! IRAQ!!!!...Where over 655,000 Iraqi civilians have died....and FOR WHAT??? WHY???
These military families are speaking out. They ask, "WHEN WILL THIS INSANE WAR END??? Why are our cries being ignored? Why has CONGRESS turned a deaf ear to OUR plight? Why isn't the American public listening to our PLEA?"
"BRING THEM HOME NOW!!...Not tomorrow....not three months from now...and certainly NOT in 2008!!! NOW!!!!"
"OUR PLEA! TAKE CARE OF OUR TROOPS, OUR FAMILY MEMBERS, WHEN THEY GET HOME! NOT cut funding of Veteran's benefits, but to take care of Veterans...OUR FAMILY MEMBERS...who are returning from this ILLEGAL WAR with both physical and mental disabilities!!!!!"
Congressman Dennis Kucinich...YOU are listening to the PLEA of Military Families Speak Out!....You are listening to the PLEA of Iraq Veterans....You are listening to the PLEA of WE, THE PEOPLE!!!..
You, Congressman Kucinich, boldly stand before Congress...the IGNORING Congress...and plead our case....SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! BRING THEM HOME NOW!...AND TAKE CARE OF THEM WHEN THEY GET HERE!!!
You have stood before Congress and boldly called for DEFUNDING the Iraq war.
You have stood before Congress and DEMANDED a COMPLETE U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq.
You have stood before Congress and DEMANDED closure of all U.S. bases in Iraq.
You have stood before Congress and DEMANDED a COMPLETE U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq.
You have stood before Congress and asked for the international community to create a PEACE PLAN for Iraq.
You have stood before Congress and proposed a United States Department of PEACE!
....And for this, Congressman Kucinich, we thank you!
...Congressman Dennis Kucinich, on behalf of Military Families Speak out, and as a Citizen for World Peace, it is an honor to present to you this award....CHAMPION FOR PEACE...for all that you do in the name of PEACE....Congratulations!
--D.F., mom, educator, peace activist, Military Families Speak Out Supporter
2.24.07 Hollywood, CA USA