Stop Wars: More Activism at the Rose Parade

by This_Dude_Who_Was_at_the Rose_Parade Wednesday, Jan. 03, 2007 at 1:48 PM

"When the parade ended, we went into the street and followed it, carrying our banner and wearing Stop Wars shirts. We followed the parade from the area just outside the TV zone to the end of the route at Victory Park."

Stop Wars: More Acti...
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While others on our team put up the “impeach” letters in the TV zone, myself and another activist unfurled a large banner that read “Stop Wars” on the opposite side of the street. The banner was created for us by Jennifer Murphy. Initially we displayed it when the Star Wars storm troopers passed and then when Grand Marshal and Star Wars creator George Lucas passed. (I don’t know if Lucas noticed us. Although we were in a conspicuous location, he was turning his head a lot. My collaborator believed he did see us.)

When the parade ended, we went into the street and followed it, carrying our banner and wearing Stop Wars shirts (donated to this endeavor by Clothing of the American Mind. Website: We followed the parade from the area just outside the TV zone to the end of the route at Victory Park. In front of us were supporters of Dennis Kucinich, carrying a nicely-painted banner and handing out literature. Historically, the parade has been followed by large groups of Christian missionaries carrying signs, banners, and megaphones warning of eternal damnation for the unconverted. However, there was surprisingly few of them this year.

As my teammate and I carried the banner along Colorado Boulevard, I was surprised by the very positive reaction from the crowd overall. Many applauded us (sometimes entire sections applauded), and some thanked us. One man told me, “It’s not a war, it’s an invasion.” Positive responses came from people of all ages: from tiny children to senior citizens. I didn’t recall ever feeling such a strong sense of hope in the last few years. (This sense of hope would later be greatly magnified by the KTLA’s TV coverage of the “impeach” sign.)

There were just a few disapproving remarks including, “George Lucas is going to be pissed,” “Go Bush!” and “Go Marines!” Many children initially reacted with enthusiasm at the sight of our Star Wars-like logo only to realize it said STOP Wars.

Some people, a total stranger and a fellow activist who ran into us, helped us carry the banner on our miles-long walk.