GM CEO Gets Pissy at Protestors at LA Auto Show

by Jay Els Friday, Dec. 01, 2006 at 2:33 AM 415-398-4404 221 Pine Street

Rainforest Action Network and Global Exchange recently challenged Detroit's automakers to stop talking "green" by committing to real environmental standards. Video is 44 seconds...

From the AP wire...

General Motors Corp. Chief Executive Rick Wagoner got a surprise at the end of his speech Wednesday at the Los Angeles Auto Show when an environmental activist joined him on stage.

The heckler told Wagoner it was great to see an automaker take an environmental stand. The man unfurled a large black-and-white contract of sorts and asked Wagoner if he would sign a pledge to be the fuel economy leader in the industry by 2010.

Wagoner, a bit taken aback, politely said that his speech about GM's efforts to develop green technology including a plug-in hybrid vehicle should speak for itself.

"I appreciate your support. I'm sorry you have to leave now," Wagoner told the man. "Please take it away."


Original: GM CEO Gets Pissy at Protestors at LA Auto Show