See photos of Tan Nguyen mingling with top GOP bigwigs!

by Duane J. Roberts Friday, Oct. 20, 2006 at 7:41 PM

Tan Nguyen, Republican candidate for the 47th Congressional District, is seen in the below photographs mingling with House Speaker Dennis Hastert and National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Reynolds. Nguyen is currently under investigation by the California State Attorney General's Office, U.S. Department of Justice, FBI, and other law enforcement agencies for allegedly sending out more than 14,000 letters to mostly-Mexican familes in the 47th Congressional District threatening all "immigrants" with jail or deportation if they voted.

See photos of Tan Ng...
tandennishaster.jpg, image/jpeg, 331x219

Hello everybody:

I'm sorry, but I can't help but laugh over the latest
scandal that has rocked the Republican Party during
the past few days. Although I take the issue of voter
intimidation very seriously, the allegations about who
sent out threatening letters to 14,000 mostly-Mexican
families in the 47th Congressional District is
unraveling a whole new can of worms that might make
the GOP a third party in California.

Tan Nguyen has got to be one of the dumbest, most
idiotic candidate I've ever seen so far running in any
election here in Orange County. But even dumber are
the GOP bigwigs whom allowed themselves to be
photographed with him. You can see images of House
Speaker Dennis Hastert and National Republican
Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Reynolds shaking
hands with Tan on his website:

Although the Republican Party is trying to distance
itself away from his candidacy, it's clear that Tan's
one of them. The photographs prove that anybody with
lots of money to throw around will win the hearts of
top GOP bigwigs anytime. My guess is these shots
were done in return for campaign contributions. It's
only when "one of their own" gets caught doing
something incredibly naughty that the Republicans go
into damage control mode!

Tan's been running an incredibly racist campaign in the
47th Congressional campaign. He's aligned himself with
the Minuteman vigilantes, depicted Muslims as terrorists,
and has strongly hinted that his opponent, Democratic
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, among other things,
is linked to Hezbollah. The local GOP has said nary a
word about any of these things.


Duane J. Roberts