Saint Ram Bone's rideshare blocked at border relays Her Film Debut Information,

by Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone Friday, Oct. 20, 2006 at 9:02 AM
USA, A Prison State for Poor

In my observations of the poor getting ripped apart in the USA and imprisoned, I also noticed that would be Canadian visitors are denied entry. One young woman, a rideshare from Craigslist was with me and she was denied entry to her film debut

The young womans name is Larissa Clayton. I feel for her because she was not really in violation in excess and the border patrol was unrelenting on her. They tore my vehicle apart twice, once with her and later upon my private re-entry. Here is Larissa's email to me. I wish her well.

Hi Kurt,

The movie I am in is called "strange culture" Have you not left yet Kurt?? I am sorry
if I
delayed you an entire day, my God. My film is airing I believe at the
Sundance Film Festival in Utah. It is Robert Redford's movie festival,
his Utah property. I play a 20 yr college student named Shar. you can
more info if you google "strange culture - documentary" and go to the
one san jose site.

It is showing at little theatres in California and
Sundance is at the end of January.
Write back,

(Note, you can write the young actress at... and ask her any questions you may have.)