by A
Thursday, Jul. 06, 2006 at 3:55 PM
Direct Action Disables Bulldozer
South Central Farm July 5, 2006
QuickTime movie at 7.5 mebibytes
Video shows defenders of the farm jumping the fence, charging the bulldozer and successfully disabling it.
The last section is hard to see, I know, but with zoom on max it shows farmers climbing on the bulldozer and the police pulling them off.
Over a dozen people jumped the fence and charged the bulldozer. There were 8 arrests from this action. There are confirmed reports of police violence against the farmers from those that were able to escape arrest.
At 6 pm PST Local TV has shown video of police beating farmers.
The North side of the farm was badly damaged today but due to this direct action the bulldozing was stopped and the south side is still intact.
The old walnut tree where tree sitters were encamped, earlier this month, still stands. The farmers vow to continue to stop the destruction of the farm by any means they can.