by The Occupants of the SCF (posted by Leslie)
Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006 at 9:24 PM
what some those who are defending the Farm want to say

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SOUTH CENTRAL FARM, 14 June 2006--The nightly vigils at the South Central Farm are growing. Hundreds of candle-bearing marched the perimeter of the Farm with Aztec danzantes dancing with a Korean band playing nong-ak, or farmers', music. The overnight encampment continues, now on the sidewalk around the Farm, with preparations for vegetarian meals (contributions are welcome). New artwork is lovingly crafted and appearing around the outside of the farm. Rescued camping gear is carefully folded up and placed in the lost and found area. And, above all, plans to take back the Farm are emerging.
For the past three weeks, until the Los Angeles sheriffs stormed the Farm, a parade of celebrities shored up the occupation of the Farm by dozens of Farm denizens and hundreds of supporters who flowed through the Farm daily to volunteer their assistance, support, and vigilance. The celebrity messages were heard around the world. On Monday, just hours before the dawn raid on the Farm, the occupiers sent out their messages. Here are those messages, now more important than ever, from the ordinary people who are making extraordinary sacrifices to save the Farm, and who are now even stronger in their commitment to take back the Farm.