Remembering Self Help Graphics & Art!

by Tony Nava Thursday, Jun. 08, 2006 at 8:52 AM

June 7th is the Day of the Dead of Self Help Graphics & Art.

Remembering Self Hel...
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One year ago, on June 7th a group of academics, politicians and entrepreneurs managed to achieve a goal they had been working on for a long time: the closure of Self Help Graphics & Art.
If you don’t know what that was, look it up!
The Academics whose survival depended on grants they receive under the false premise of working with cultural and community organizations managed to keep making money off of SHG even after killing it. Their only real goal: to rub the government and therefore the people of the precious few public dollars still available to spend on art & culture. The leader of this gang was Chon Noriega of UCLA who after the take-over managed to install a couple of illiterate goons in charge of SHG to gain complete access to the archives and the collection without any resistance or real threats to his AUTHORITY.
The L.A. Mayor had his assistant and political ally on the Board that made the official decision to shut down SHG while La County Supervisor Molina made herself conveniently scarce, because after all there was not enough room in town for both SHG and her $70 Million dollar Cultchural center!
The rest of this shameless group consisted of some old termite ridden puppets who helped carry out this mission.
Special thanks to Max Bendavidez, Chon’s right hand while he…..
Board president- Olivia montezumacana.
East Hollywood’s not so favorite Oralia Michel.
Let’s not forget the worst Judge in town- Adolf Michael Stern and his wife Antonia Hernandez.
And the rest of the CON GANG working tirelessly to pocket our money!
In the spirit of FREE SPEECH feel FREE to censor this small reminder of a lost one, because in a FREE society such as ours it appears you are not allowed to have an opinion other than the one you are TOLD to have!
Love the hair!
Tony Nava