by Marcus
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 12:52 AM
On Wednesday, May 24, over 200 people were at the Farm at Alameda and 41 Street to show their support to the farmers of the South Central Farm. When I got there at 8:30 PM, I couldn’t see any Police at all, but there were farmer vigilantes with walkie talkies at the 4 corners, some listening to

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On Wednesday, May 24, over 200 people were at the Farm at Alameda and 41 Street to show their support to the farmers of the South Central Farm. When I got there at 8:30 PM, I couldn’t see any Police at all, but there were farmer vigilantes with walkie talkies at the 4 corners, some listening to the Police on scanners. For security measure all visitors were asked for Identifications and their bags and clothes were checked and their wrists were rubber stamped with ink.
A mix of poets, rappers and traditional musicians performed from 8 PM to Midnight. Among them was a 16 member folk group from Vera Cruz, Mexico that captured the crowd with their songs for almost one hour. The music was amazing, and I’m glad that I came over because it was a lot of fun. The crowd was very pleased.
A few times during the evening speakers reminded the crowd that Joan Baez was still high in the tree, and was going to spend the night there. Also the cops reminded us that they were there. We got the visit of two LAPD helicopters that flashed their high power light into the crowd that replied by brandishing their fists high up in the air.
At the end, the Farmers urged people to come back to the farm tomorrow, Thursday, May 25, around 7 PM.