Carl Bernstein Says It's Impeachment Time!

by reposted Wednesday, May. 03, 2006 at 12:01 PM

It's Impeachment Time ! Carl Bernstein has this to say in Vanity Fair.....

After Nixon's resignation, it was often said
that the system had worked. Confronted
by an aberrant president, the checks and
balances on the executive by the legislative
and judicial branches of government, and by
a free press, had functioned as the founders
had envisioned. The system has thus far
failed during the presidency of
George W. Bush—at incalculable cost in human
lives, to the American political system, to undertaking an intelligent and effective war against terror, and to the standing of the United States in parts of the world where it previously had been held in the highest regard.
There was understandable reluctance in the Congress to begin a serious investigation of the Nixon presidency. Then there came a time when it was unavoidable. That time in the Bush presidency has arrived.
Full article at:

George Bush is a power hungry, out of control person who is aided and abetted by a bunch of old war lords who have convinced him that he is above the laws of this land, that he can do as he pleases. It's time to hold Bush & the United States Congress to the oaths of their office. We The People have been shoved aside, dismissed, by a bunch of corrupt war-mongering, fake Christians who seem to think they have the divine right to trample on our rights in order to obtain their own greedy, self-serving goals.

In the process we believe that they have committed war crimes & crimes against humanity with their vile policies. A friend, (Edward P) wrote that "Bush & Cheney are not scared of the rest of the world. Their response is simple: f**K them, Nuke them, Move on, No Problem"

Let's make it a problem for George Bush and his gang of thugs who have violated our Constitution and made a mockery of our entire justice system. Whether you believe that Bush/Cheney were legally elected or not, it's time to get rid of this gang of crooks. They have no respect for the laws of the land nor for We The People. It's Impeachment time. These abusers of the Constitution of the United States should be impeached, removed from office & prosecuted for their crimes against the Constitution & the citizens of this country.

Let's get the ball rolling! Sign this petition and then call your congressmen and demand an investigation into this corrupt presidency. Keep the calls going until they decide to get off their comfortable, ample backsides and do their job. These people were installed in office against the wishes of the U.S. Voters. We The People need to see that they are removed from office before they start World War III.

Toll Free to Congress -888-355-3588, 888-818-6641 or 800-426-8073