by Rogue Gringo
Tuesday, May. 02, 2006 at 11:29 PM
No time to write this up today, here are the pictures!

marchwithoutend5.jpg, image/jpeg, 3072x2304
We live here together, raise children, attend schools, drive on the same roads, and rely on each other in so many ways. Why should there be this artificial division between those who are "legal" and those who are not?
U.S. immigration policy is a lie. There is no intent or desire to send immigrants back from whence they came. There is only the intent and desire to terrorize immigrant workers so that they cannot assert their rights.
A house divided against itself cannot stand. If a large group of people is functioning as citizens and yet still does not have rights, how can that division be good for our nation? End the hypocrisy. Full amnesty and citizenship rights for undocumented persons now!