May Day 2006 - We Have
Made History!
Tens of Millions Across the Country Take to
the Streets to Demand Immigrant Rights!
Lee Siu Hin
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
The May 1st "A Day Without Immigrants" National Movement
Today was one of the most important days in U.S. history: tens of
millions of immigrants, activists and allies in over 200 cities from across
the country chose to skip work, school, and the normal daily routine to
participate in "A Day Without Immigrants." We held a national
boycott, general strikes, rallies and symbolic actions in order to demand
basic rights for all immigrants, and to build a new multi-ethnic united
civil rights movement for the 21st century!
This could be the biggest civil rights/social movement ever seen in
U.S. history. Millions flooded the streets of Los Angeles and essentially
shut down the city. In New York City, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, together with
half a million Latino, African and Asian immigrants marched into the heart
of Manhattan. In Chicago, hundreds of thousands mobilized for this May 1st
We have shown the world that our force, our strength and our voice
cannot be silenced from this moment! and we'll fight for our demands until
we prevail.
What should the next step be?
This is an historical turning point for us, and we need to keep the momentum
going. Over the next three months, we need to gather our strength and build
a new, national, broad-based immigrant rights/civil
rights movement.
This could include (and is not limited to):
- Holding a national dialogue or conference;
- Creating together a national strategy;
- Forming a new broad-based national immigrant rights/civil rights
These are just some ideas to consider: we encourage you to come up with
more. We welcome everyone to participate in the process and offer us support
and feedback, and we'll announce the details within the next few days.
Thanks to everyone who helped make history today. I am proud of you!
United We'll Win! Together We'll Achieve Our Dreams!
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