Sunday, Mar. 26, 2006 at 2:05 PM
The March 25th March for Immigrants Right downtown, against HR 4437 was unbelievable.

1yousayimmigrant.jpg, image/jpeg, 264x396
The march was unbelievable. Amazing. It covered 4 blocks - not as in there were people on one street stretched out for four blocks. No. Four blocks full of people all marching parallel to each other, stretched out over I don't know how many blocks. toward a rally and demonstration. I have never been at a march ofthis size outside of the March on Washington.
I went because I don't think that HR 4437 is "just an immigrant issue". I think it's an American issue. If the population of America sees itself as a population of many races, genders, cultures, orientations and religions, we can not allow the government to enact laws like this.
The rhetoric around immigration today in the US sounds so much like the anti-semitic rhetoric during the build-up to WW2. I can't ignore it, be a blind citizen, or think that "it can't happen here". This is an issue for every American who believes that we are all created equal.
There were so many people that it was difficult to get any good shots because there was no way to get distance. This is as good as I could get. I also shot video which I'll try to post.
Be world travellers.
Be free where ever you go.