by Don Hodges
Sunday, Mar. 19, 2006 at 8:41 PM
Thousands of Peace-Loving people marched through the streets of Hollywood demanding an immediate end to the US military occupation of Iraq.

hollywood_peace_march_3-18-2006_113.jpg, image/jpeg, 1600x1200
Part 6 of a 6 part report
Hollywood Peace March
March 18, 2006
report and all photos by Don Hodges
Thousands of Peace-Loving people marched through the streets of Hollywood today demanding an immediate end to the US military occupation of Iraq.
The war in Iraq began three years ago when Mr. Bush, in a blatant act of aggression, ordered the US military to invade the sovereign nation of Iraq.
As justification, Mr. Bush cited knowledge of Iraq's possession Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).
No WMD were ever found in Iraq.
Three years later, the US military continues to occupy the nation of Iraq, despite polls which indicate that a majority of Iraqis and US citizens want the US troops to be withdrawn.
Caption for the first photo:
A protester holds a sign hear the intersection of Hollywood & Higland.
[Click on each photo to see the full-resolution image]