Call Ralph Horowitz RIGHT NOW!

by A Thursday, Mar. 09, 2006 at 3:35 PM

The office of Ralph Horowitz: 310 440 7878

Ralph Horowitz= Millionaire developer from LA who is sueing some of the poorest families living in South Central for trying to keep the largest urban garden in the country open. Call Ralph and let him know how you feel for stealing a community farm and trying to turn it into a warehouse in the most industrialized part of Los Angeles. Let him know that the working poor won't stand for this. Speak your mind. Or Just call and let him know how your day is going trying to survive while pay check to pay check, while people like him rape our communities. The office of Ralph Horowitz: 310 440 7878 (Note- not an official message released by the South Central Farmers. Authored by a concerned citizen)