by Ed Begley, Jr.
Sunday, Jan. 29, 2006 at 10:23 PM
Statement for January 26 press conference
January 26, 2006
Statement from Ed Begley, Jr. For World Can’t Wait Press Conference
“My wonderful Republican father always asked what I was FOR, not just what I was against. ‘I understand what you’re opposed to’, he’d say, ‘But, what is your alternative?
Well, I believe there is an alternative to the current war on terror that this administration has waged for the past 3 years.
It is the same alternative that I suggested at a press conference in October of 2002, months before the invasion of Iraq began.
Take those same billions of dollars and invest in HUGE Federal subsidies for the following EXISTING, OFF-THE-SHELF, technologies:
Solar Panels
Wind Turbines
Electric Vehicles
Hybrid-Electric Vehicles
Natural Gas Vehicles
Home Insulation
Public Transportation
And, Bike Lanes
In a very short time, we will ELIMINATE our need for Middle East oil and ELIMINATE the funding for Bin Laden, Al Queda, and other terrorist organizations”.
As the World Can't Wait Call states: "your government suppress science that doesn't fit its religious, political and economic agenda, forcing present and future generations to pay a terrible price." and I urge everyone to participate in the nationwide protests when Bush makes his State of the Union Message - to drown out his lies and demand Bush Step Down and Take Your Program With You - on Jan. 31 and in Washington DC on February 4th.
Thank you.
Ed Begley, Jr.