Jan Lundberg and Tezozomoc join in Defense of the South Central Los Angeles Community Farm
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On Sunday, January 29th, Jan Lundberg and Tezozomoc will speak at an event called "Petrocollapse and Food Security" at the South Central Community Farm. It may sound like an unlikely combination, Jan Lundberg, an oil analyst and presenter at peak oil conferences, and Tezozomoc, an organizer with South Central Farmers Feeding Families, but they actually have much in common.
Jan Lundberg started his career working for oil companies as on oil analyst -- but had many years ago gave that up to fight for environmental issues. He's been known as "Depaver" Jan, fighting against the building of roads and depvaing parking lots and driveways, and had also was a publisher and editor of "Auto Free Times". He currently publishes www.culturechange.org which calls on us to address our addiction to plastics and fossil fuel and address the coming petrocollapse.
has been organizing to defend the 14-acre farm, which is tended by 350 low-income
families and is under threat of eviction. The farm has been sold by the city
to a warehouse developer and the developer has not taken control of the property
yet only because of community support, and the determination of local activists.
From the standpoint of local food supply, Jan points out that "The South Central Community Farm will be a critical resource for people caught short when the trucks don't come into Safeway and all other stores. In Cuba a petrocollapse occurred in the early 1990s, so Havana had to become a place where it now grows over half its food for the city of 2.2. million."
Tezozomoc asks the city and Los Angeles community to stand up to protect this life-sustaining farm and start the reversal of environmental pollution and degradation of inner city neighborhoods. The fresh foods grown by the South Central Farmers feed children and families living in poverty in South Central Los Angeles and increases the food security of the community.
More information is on the Calendar Entry
For more information about the South Central Farmers, you can visit their website,
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