SOS fakes Alhambra Rally

by Next Move Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 7:53 PM

Using a tactic that could best be described a silly the Save Our State organization has posted details for a rally that never took place.

SOS fakes Alhambra R...
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The invisible rally supposedly took place in Alhambra on Sunday, January 8th but the photographic evidence presented here disputes their account.

Two photographs shown here are provided as evidence. The photo on the left clearly shows the SOS person known as Black Cats In Ontario. It was taken yesterday, Saturday, 1/7/06 in Glendale. In the photograph he is seen with relatively short hair.

The photograph on the right shows Joe Turner and to his right is once again the man known as Black Cats In Ontario. That photo clearly shows him sporting quite brown locks of quite long hair. Although he is seen from the back in the photo it is more than obvious that it is the same person.

Besides that simple evidence is the fact that the Home Depot in Alhambra is on Marengo Ave. which is a two lane road. The pretend Alhambra photo clearly shows the SOSers standing next to a road which is 3 lanes in one direction. Note the painted lane dividers.

SOS activist “Last Great Hope” provides these details of the rally that never happened:

“By my count we had 23 attendees at one point and even a couple of shoppers hung around with us and actually supported what we were doing. They didn't know how knee deep in illegal alien abetting Home Depot is. They said they would take their business to Lowe's in the future.

I say we hit Alhambra again soon.”

Joe Turner replies with the comment:

“I must admit that it is nice to have a rally from time to time without the goons.”

The above accounts read more like fantasy than reality.