by A
Friday, Dec. 30, 2005 at 11:35 AM
This Winter’s 2005 Anti-Mall was held at the South Central Farm on December 18th.

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100’s of people showed up for this event. There was great food, much of grown on the farm. Arts and crafts booths. Music. There was a 12:00 mass and procession. Also tours of the farm were given and information on the fight to save the farm.
Organizers of this year’s Anti-Mall event have issued this statement:
“Recycle Your Money”
To provide a space were artists, cooperatives and alternative businesses, that are active participants in the betterment of their communities, can sell their art, music, clothing and other goods and services. The Anti-Mall serves to connect consumers with products that fit their political, moral and spiritual ideals. In accomplishing this mission we will successfully aid in the expansion of the growing population of Conscience Consumers. Conscience Consumers need more places to recycle and invest their money into people and projects that are committed to a more just society.