by Patricia
Thursday, Dec. 15, 2005 at 6:45 PM
KJLH is a Black owned radio station, and they openly (Kevin Nash) advocated killing our Black brother, Tookie Williams.

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Keep your negative opinions to yourself Kevin Nash. Tookie Williams may have died because of your lack of compassion, and your comments on the air about Tookie, and how Tookie may deserve to die by lethal injection.
We find it sad that KJLH has lowered its standards by openly advocating Tookie William's death by lethal injection. Kevin Nash, on his Sunday show, "Love in the Spirit" said that the nominations that Tookie Williams received for the writing of his books was nothing. Kevin (a brother), also indicated that he felt that Tookie should be executed.
Why should we continue to buy the products of the sponsors of KJLH radio, when KJLH has no compassion for its listeners and their lives?
I think that we should all boycott KJLH, and its sponsors.