by Marcus
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 12:27 AM
INGLEWOOD -- U-S Rep. Maxine Waters led a rally today calling for the United States to withdraw from Iraq.

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From Associated Press in Los Angeles
INGLEWOOD -- U-S Rep. Maxine Waters led a rally today calling for the United States to withdraw from Iraq.
Attendees sought to raise awareness about Britain's so-called "Downing Street memos" documents they say raise questions about President Bush's decision to go to war.
The document include leaked minutes of a July 23rd, 2002, meeting between British Prime Minister Tony Blair and top government officials.
The rally was held to coincide with the third anniversary of the meeting.
According to the meeting minutes, top British officials said the White House viewed military action against Saddam Hussein as inevitable following the September 11th attacks. One memo states the U-S government -QUOTE- "scrambling to establish a link between Iraq and Al Qaida is so far frankly unconvincing."
Blair has said the memos paint a distorted picture, and has insisted that the Iraq war was not predetermined by the United States.