by Publius
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 4:41 PM
On Saturday, July 16th, S.O.S. members will be coming to Laguna Beach. Shall we greet them?

sosmembers.jpg, image/jpeg, 375x309
Announcement as worded by SOS. Show up to counter their message of hate!
Laguna Canyon Road/Laguna Canyon Frontage Rd.
The City of Laguna Beach supports an Illegal Day Labor site through
income generated by their World Famous Art Festivals. We are gathering in a peaceful rally in front of the arts center to educate those entering the festival and the drive-by public to the illegal
activities their tickets are paying for.
Bring your signs:
"Shame on Laguna Beach"
"Laguna Beach Supports Illegals"
"Laguna Beach Arts Support Illegals"
"Laguna Beach Residents Before Illegals"
"Your Art Ticket Pays For Mexico"
Also bring the usual signs denouncing Illegal Immigration and Day
Labor Sites.
Directions: From Los Angeles take the 405 Freeway into Irvine. Take
the 133 Highway (south) towards Laguna Beach. This highway turns into Laguna Canyon Rd.
From San Diego take the 5 Freeway to 405 Freeway, take 133 Highway
(south) towards Laguna Beach. The 133 turns into Laguna Canyon Rd.
Parking: There is metered parking up and down the street ($1.50 per
hour. Quarters only) Or there is a ($5) parking area as you enter the canyon called ACT V parking. You will then take a shuttle bus to the Sawdust Festival site.
(Last month several American citizens and residents of Laguna Beach
lost their homes in a major landslide. They were not insured,
therefore have lost everything. Instead of using city money to help
these good Americans, the mayor of Laguna Beach funds an illegal
resource center, which includes a hiring center, counseling, and