ITS JULY 5th: WHERE'S SOS? - Addtional images/comments from the RECONQUISTA

by TATONKA Wednesday, Jul. 06, 2005 at 11:04 AM

Addtional images and comments after the "deadline".

back_of_mural.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x392

July 4th has come and gone. Where is SOS? What happened to their threat to bring down the monument "one way or another"? Clearly, their treats to "Danzas Indigenas" since May 10th have been little more than a media ploy to inject their arguements about so-called "illegal immigration" into the national stage. The alleged "in your face" activism is revealed to be nothing more than a very expensive press conference(at public expense)about their issues. What the corporate LA TIMES has dubbed a "street-fighter" mentality is merely a "Street Show" mentality which is not about ideas or but about sound bites and biting images. The opposition which grows daily to these alarming trends needs to understand them for what they are and arent in order to pick the right tactics, timing, and politics will undo them.

Here are some addtional images from the RECONQUISTA of JUSTICE, PEACE, LIBERTY, and LOVE that have just been processed that document resistors like CIHAUTL TONALI, Funkahuatl, FUPA and SPARC Teatro, and those amazing PUPPETS.