Though the anti-hate rally is still going on strong the Baldwin Park, California, two hours or so was enough so I left early. As usual we had overwhelming numbers and the white supremists could manage maybe 30 or 40 hate mongers only.
In fact it was difficult to tell exactly how many racist hate mongers were on their corner since the police -- probably numbering about 150 or so, including SWAT units and K9s -- had the racists segregated
into their own little corner where the good guys (that would be the American heros protesting against these "Save Our State" a.k.a. "Minutemen" a.k.a. National Vanguard / Alliance a.k.a. Aryan Nations a.k.a. Klu Klux Klan and whatever else they're calling themselves this
time around.
It was great! The good guys had music, dancing, speeches, little mini parades, even hanging pinatias (spelling?) of a racist hanging from a tree while kids batted it with sticks to release the candy inside. We got speeches advocating tolerance, a return of California to Mexico and Xenu knows all what.
The white supremists far, far down the street standing alone on their little corner numbered maybe 30 or 40 and since all vehicle traffic was blocked off, there they stood, suicidal and dejected with not a single car driving by them, just standing there in the heat whacking each other off to keep bus or something. It must suck to be a white supremist hate mongering bigot in a strong community where the actual people -- American patriots who turn out and stand up against hatred
and intolerance -- aren't afraid.
'Course this time they're not dressed up as ghosts. }:-}
There was some good play acting and some anti-hate participants who came dressed up as _real_ Minutemen who actually fought for and upheld American ideals; the same ideals that these SOS / MM / American Nazi Party / National Vanguard/Alliance / Storm Front hate mongers are totally against.
It was great to see so many fellow white Americans turning out to oppose these racists. It makes me proud to be an American to see that the _majority_ of the people of America are against these racist scumbags.
Photographs to be posted at Monday.