by 1planet1people
Sunday, Jun. 26, 2005 at 10:04 AM
I am merely relaying news information as reported from independent news reporters covering the protests in Baldwin Park by Save Our State (an Anti-Illegal Immigration Organization) and the citizens of greater Los Angeles who have come together in opposition to Save Our State. This protest is about a series of insriptions on a monument that reflects the struggles of Latino and Anglo relations. Save Our State finds that communities with Latino Americans are "Cease Pools" and their culture and history are offensive and wants the inscriptions removed.
Police have barricaded side streets on Ramona. There are reports of 100's of counter demonstrators on Ramona and 60 counter protestors on Downing and Pacific. The independent reporter is not able to see the SOS people. There are reports of large numbers of riot police standing between the two organizations. People have been asked to sign the non-violent pledge. So far the counter demonstrators are chanting, "Peaceful Protest".