Excerpt from Star News web site:
Save Our State holds protests Home Depot
Saturday, June 18, 2005 - ALHAMBRA -- About 250 people turned out to protest Home Depot on Saturday, charging the company supports illegal immigration, police said.
Save Our State, which organized a protest in Baldwin Park last month against a monument they perceived as anti-American, organized the demonstration at a Home Depot store on Marengo Avenue in Alhambra.
The group rallied throughout the morning, Alhambra police said. No arrests or injuries were reported.
Anyone who was there knows this story to be 100% wrong. If you want to call or e-mail the Pasadena Star News to request that they issue a correction here is the contact info: [maybe suggest that they visit la.indymedia.org if they want to get the story right.] :-)
Pasadena Star News 911 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91109 (626) 578-6300.
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