by Civic Conscience
Friday, Jun. 17, 2005 at 7:34 PM
A rally was convened on just one day's notice to support the hearings convened by Rep. Conyers and over 100 other Members of Congress to investigate the Downing St. Minutes. These recently-leaked minutes detail Bush's illegal conspiracy with Tony Blair to invade Iraq almost one year prior to the official invasion.
![After Downing St. Ra...](
protestinfrontofktla.jpg, image/jpeg, 770x414
Above: Protestors in front of television station KTLA.
Despite a notice of less than one day, a mixed crowd of about 100 persons, including traditional Democrats, community activists, and other concerned citizens converged in front of the offices of television station KTLA in Los Angeles for a quick rally and protest today from 5:30pm to about 7:30pm. Protestors demanded that KTLA adequately cover the hearings convened today in Washington by Rep. John Conyers to investigate Bush's illegal circumvention of Congress to launch an illegal war against Iraq. The hearings are inspired by the now-famous Downing Street Minutes, which indicate that Bush committed impeachable offenses by. usurping powers reserved for Congress in the Constitution .
Persons driving by the protest on Sunset Blvd. honked their horns enthusiastically (as you can see and hear in the short video at the end of this article), with only a very few visibly opposed.