Commemoration Flag of Aztlan, Baldwin Park 14 Mayo 2005

by Ernest M. Saenz Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 10:21 AM

Commemoration Flag of Aztlan, Baldwin Park 14 Mayo 2005 counter-demonstration.

Commemoration Flag o...
aztlan_flag_14-mayo.png, image/png, 244x157

Flag of Aztlan commemoration of Baldwin Park 14 Mayo 2005

This flag commemorates the counter-demonstration at Baldwin Park, Califas on May 14, 2005. The original design was inspired by the Cuban Revolution "M-26-7" Armbands. Saenz reversed the fields to symbolize a mirror to the Cuban Revolution.

Red symbolizes revolution, black the strength and white the Aztec color for Aztlan. At the center is a Hummingbird Icon of Huiztlilapochtli. Saenz chose the Hummingbird because of the eyewitness account of the appearance of a blue hummingbird during the blessing at the counter-demonstration.

Saenz uses Caló to inscribe the flags he designs - he says, to honor the Pachucos that began the Chicano Movement.

Each flag has the words "Con Safos", Caló statement meaning "Nothing you say will change this".

To the Aztec, Aztlan was their place of origin. Though some scholars considered Aztlan a mythical place - the Aztec did not believe in myths. Today, Aztlan is as real as Chicanos want it to be - it is the name we have given to the land we inhabit.

Pachucos of the 60s incorporated the term Aztlan into Caló. Chicanos, most being Pachucos, or greatly influenced by Pachucos, expanded the term Aztlan to mean the lands ceded to the USA by Mexico in 1849.

Aztlan is also an attitude of personal, political, social and economic empowerment necessary to master one's own destiny.