by A
Friday, Apr. 22, 2005 at 5:34 PM
Mayday Anti-Capitalist and Anti-Authoritarian Contingent
April 30th, Gather at 12 noon at Olympic and Broadway
Mayday Anti-Capitalist and Anti-Authoritarian Contingent
April 30th, Gather at 12 noon at Olympic and Broadway
Bring flags, banners, anti-authoritarian literature (in different languages, English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese), yourself and your friends
Worldwide May 1st is recognized as International Worker's Day, a holiday that carries with it a history of class struggle, state repression, and resistance from the working class.
In 1886, 800,000 workers from all trades and factories throughout the US went on strike demanding the eight-hour workday. The Ruling class responded by sending out their lap-dog police forces, opening fire on picketers, and in the end, framing, railroading, and murdering eight anarchists in Chicago, known as the “Haymarket martyrs.”
In 1889, the American delegation attending the International Socialist congress in Paris proposed that May 1st be adopted as a workers' holiday. This was to commemorate working class struggle and the "Martyrdom of the Chicago Eight". This is where we find our history; this is Mayday!
The legacy of Mayday lives on to this day, with worldwide celebrations of resistance, direct action, and complete shut downs of factories, cities and whole regions. In the United States, the powers-that-be replaced the powerful workers holiday, with their own state-sanctioned event, otherwise known as “labor day”, in an attempt to once again control and regulate working people. We are taught to forget the significance and importance of this day because our bosses fear it; our bosses fear our power and our significant history. They fear our potential when we’re united and fighting in solidarity against their capitalist power structure and their entire way of life based on their greed. We will never forget and only struggle harder.
We realize that all forms of oppression are a result and stem from the systems of capitalism and imperialism. We’re united against capitalism, imperialism, authoritarianism and all its forms of degradation and bondage. From South Korea to Argentina, from Palestine to LA, we are building and we are resisting.
Although capitalists, racists and sexists don't like and even deny our
struggle, it will go on and grow. That's why on May 1st, the international day of
labour, we call for an anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian contingent at the
immigrant rights march organized by the MIWON Coalition.
We’re in solidarity with immigrants working in the garment district in downtown, day laborers in the fields, and those that have been attacked and assaulted by the racist Minute Men in Arizona. We passionately believe that no human being is illegal, and borders are just a product of the rich drawing lines between working people everywhere. We recognize that global capitalism forces people to leave their homelands in need of survival, which is a human right. As Revolutionary Anarchists we oppose this system and instead believe that our communities must be reclaimed by all of us, the people who they truly belong to.
This is a call for a non-black bloc contingent. The purpose of the contingent is to not alienate ourselves, but integrate ourselves with the rest of the march. Our goals are to make alliances and connections, and to engage people there not just hand them flyers. Our contingent will be accountable to everyone at the march, therefore we would have to act accordingly and think tactically. This, in turn, will help us grow to the critical point in which we can be effective in forms of protest that go beyond the legal boundaries outlined by the state.
Always in struggle until humanity is free,
Southern California Revolutionary Anarchists
Make everyday a celebration for workers, internationally!!!!!!