by Marcus
Monday, Mar. 21, 2005 at 4:58 PM
A speaker from the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition said on the microphone that they were about 20,000 people protesting the war in the streets of Hollywood, on March 19th. Certainly they were a lot of people in the streets, much more than the reportedly 4,000 quoted in the LA times. I was on the sidewalk watching the protesters passing by to try to size the number of people in the march and to see the end of the march, but after 30 minutes I gave up.

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Numerous people on this web site have criticized A.N.S.W.E.R.. Their main complain is that those marches do not achieve much in term of reaching out to other people. We protest feeling good about ourselves and thinking to have accomplished something, but we always march on nearly empty streets. The traffic is always rerouted, and the main stream media bury the news of the marches in the middle of their newspapers. What did we accomplished?
Shouldn’t A.N.W.E.R.S. focus on tactics to overcome our invisibility? After two years of protesting in the streets, we are still almost invisible.