by Liv Estrup
Sunday, Jan. 23, 2005 at 12:39 AM
Photographs at the inaugual night demonstration - LA Federal Bldg

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A friendly, determined group of 3,000 protestors gathered and marched in Westwood. People expressed themselves in many different ways. One speaker was very optomistic, commenting that it took much longer for the anti-war movement to mobilize during the Viet Nam War. He asked people to remember that war ended during a Republican (Nixon) administration. The anti-war movement is growing stronger each day. A woman stood with a hood over her head holding electric wiring in each hand. Some accompanied protestors with drums, guitars and a group of young people formed a choral group. A large group carried canvas with the names of all the soldiers who have been killed (see attached photos). Police and security were friendly and helpful. I wondered how large the group would be if all those who are against the war and against the present administration's policies would have arrived.