Hollywood Anti-Occupation Protest 11/11/04

by Visible Dissent Saturday, Nov. 13, 2004 at 8:21 AM

About 300 protestors assembled at Hollywod and Highland to display their opposition to the mass murder being committed in Fallujah by U.S. troops. Below: Licensed to Kill

Hollywood Anti-Occup...
licensedtokill.jpg, image/jpeg, 459x570

About 300 protestors assembled at Hollywood and Highland to display their opposition to the mass murder being committed in Fallujah by U.S. troops.

The following are pictures of that manifestation.

Protests are now occurring at an accelerating pace througout the city; this is the third major protest since Saturday. Please join us to keep up the public visibility of opposition to this murderous and pointless policy.

There is no end in sight for this war unless we make it happen. This is one major way for people to know that others share their feelings about the occupation; otherwise, they have only a few independent media outlets like this one and KPFK radio 90.7 FM standing between them and their lying TV sets.

Also, our own civil liberties hang in the balance as a new AG who has argued that the Bush Administration need not obey the Geneva convention in its so-called war on terror replaces Ashcroft (just when we thought the AG couldn't get any worse). Use them of lose them! Either we will take to the streets or we will eventually end up cowering in our homes waiting for the "knock on the door."

Original: Hollywood Anti-Occupation Protest 11/11/04