by Elected to Demonstrate
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 4:03 AM
About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election.

01_downhillmarch.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x570
Above: Downhill March
About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election.
About 500 people entered the parking lot of the Army recruiting center in a mini-mall at LaBrea and Sunset. There, we chanted and denounced the feeding of the Iraq murder machine with the bodies of the U.S. poor. Police seemed somewhat unprepared but recovered after about 15 minutes and inserted themselves between the protestors and the recruiting center. After reinforcements arrived, they announced that we were engaged in an unlawful assembly and would be arrested if we did not clear the parking area. They then proceeded to sweep across the lot, driving everyone out the LaBrea exit and into the main mass of demonstrators.
This all happened without much incident other than a few arrests about which I have no information but according to others these were people the police singled out somewhat capriciously rather than people who deliberately engaged in any kind of violent activity.
During all this, the rally and the speakers continued on the main stage at LaBrea. Several people from KPFK 90.7 FM spoke, including Margaret Prescod and election reporting coordinator M.T. Karthik.
So, Kerry is a coward after all, but we're still here, and we're still working to end this war.