911 Truth Inquiry Event Sat. Oct 23 in LA

by John Leonard Saturday, Oct. 23, 2004 at 1:33 AM

911TruthLA.us presents "SOLVING THE 9/11 Crime - Join the Citizens’ Grand Jury" International Experts Convene in person & on film to Present Evidence in LA, Sat. Oct. 23 5 -11 p.m. Bob Hope Center in Person - Authors and Researchers Webster Tarpley, Chris Bollyn, Barbara Honegger, Jim Hoffman, Don Paul ON Video: Mindy Kleinberg, David Ray Griffin, Paul Thompson, Nafeez Ahmed, Michael Springmann, Sen. Mark Dayton Plus + Premiere of New Edition of George Bush: The Unauthorized Autobiography

911TruthLA.us "Expose the Deception" presents:

"SOLVING THE 9/11 Crime - A Citizens’ Grand Jury"

International Experts Convene in person & on film to Present Evidence in LA

Saturday, Oct. 23rd

Bob Hope Patriotic Hall

1816 S. Figueroa @ Washington - Los Angeles 90015

5 pm – 11 pm

Donation Students (No One Turned Away)

RSVP Call 818-784-3623

* See Mindy Kleinberg, 9/11 Family Member's testimony before 9/11 Commission

* See David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor, address "The 9/11 Commission's Omissions"; Calls Commission's Report “a novel rather than truth.”

* MEET Webster Tarpley, author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in USA and George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, revealing the History and Method of State Sponsored False-Flag Terror as executed by corrupt Networks of Moles, Mercenaries, Media, Politicos and Patsies.

* See Paul Thompson, author of the 9/11 Terror Timeline, discuss pre-9/11 ignored warnings.

* See Nafeez Ahmed, author of The War on Freedom, discuss the Pakistani ISI connection to our CIA, government officials and 9/11 hijackers.

* See DC attorney/whistleblower Michael Springmann, visa officer at U.S. Consulate in Saudi Arabia, reveal how he had to give American visas to terrorists "for national security reasons," and how 15 Saudi alleged hijackers got visas without submitting complete applications.

* See evidence: 9 of the 19 suicide hijackers survived 9/11! What really hit the Pentagon?

* Watch "What Bush Knew & When" & other inside job evidence from “The Great Conspiracy”

* MEET Christopher Bollyn, reporter for the American Free Press, & investigative researcher Barbara Honegger, who works at the Pentagon, discussing NORAD’s mysterious 9/11 response, the Administration’s planned incompetence, FAA destruction of evidence, 5 War Games managed by Dick Cheney on 9/11 and MORE …

* See Senator Mark Dayton confront 9/11 Commission Chairmen on NORAD timeline lies & total lack of Administration accountability.

* MEET Jim Hoffman, co-author of Waking Up From Our Nightmare - The 9/11/01 Crimes in NY City, presenting unequivocal evidence that the WTC towers and Bldg 7 came down from controlled demolitions - not from fire from the planes.

* MEET Don Paul co-author of Waking Up, author of 9/11: Facing our Fascist State, discussing who and what most profited from "9/11" and the ensuing "War on Terror," and how we, the public, can unite to defeat these financiers and their systems of Guns, Oil, Drugs and Debt.

Then discuss the costs & implications of 9/11 with Experts & well-known Citizens' Grand Jury members


Is there Sufficient Evidence of Motive & Capacity to Carry out the Crimes of 9/11, and to Indict several Key Suspects, including the President & VP of the USA ?

progressivepress.com presents

"A Great Weekend Outing in LA:"

Harrowing Exposé of Bush Family Resurfaces at Los Angeles Event

A 700-page exposé containing extremely damaging evidence of unethical and criminal conduct by the Bush dynasty has just reappeared after a decade out of print. Entitled George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, by researchers Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, it first appeared in 1992, when it quickly sold 25,000 copies. As the campaign "bible" of Democratic campaign strategists, it was credited with helping unseat Bush Sr. in that year's elections. The book was even featured as a prop in a scene from the 1994 film "The War Room" about the campaign.

The book is a pretty damning recital. An intensive search of archives and months of interviews with government insiders dug up a lot of dirt - frightening, gory, hilarious and mind-boggling - on the Bush dynasty.

The Biography was the great outing of the Bushes and their Skull and Bones brethren, Brown Brothers Harriman, who made their fortune building up Hitler and the Nazi war machine. George Bush's “war hero” story is debunked and revealed as an act of cowardice that cost his crewmates their lives. Bush is further implicated in Iran-Contra, the Watergate break-in, the bungled attempt to assassinate President Reagan when he was VP, and in company with Kissinger, a number of genocides, including the luring of Iraq to attack Kuwait.

The Unauthorized Biography remained an underground classic. Fans posted the entire text on various websites, while bound copies have been selling for around 0 each. A small California press finally has reprinted The Unauthorized Biography just before this year's election.

The facsimile edition of The Unauthorized Biography debuts Saturday, Oct. 23 in Los Angeles, at the Citizens Grand Jury on 9/11, sponsored by 911TruthLA.us (see below). Author Tarpley will be signing copies of the Bio, but will speak about his next book due for release in November, unapologetically entitled 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA.

While a dozen books have already been published in the United States which posit US government complicity in 9/11, Tarpley's Synthetic Terror is the first to offer a working model of state terror, as well as the usual ad hoc compilation of suspicious evidence. Tarpley started his publishing career with a 1978 study of the Red Brigades assassination of Italian premier Aldo Moro, revealing that the supposedly communist-inspired Brigades were actually creatures of an ultra-right wing faction; this is now accepted, though not much advertised, as historical fact.

According to Tarpley, this phenomenon of inversion or contrary action is suppressed by corporate media, since they are also creatures of the same ruling oligarchical elite. Yet inversion is an enormously powerful key for explaining terror that always seems to "backfire" on the cause the terrorists allegedly espouse. The covert state terror key needs to be applied to all events like 9/11, violence in Northern Ireland, and the like, to see if the key fits; indications will almost always be found that indeed it does. The reason, no doubt, is that it is such an effective weapon of psychological warfare.

As for Tarpley's working model, he describes it thus: "International terrorism – including 9-11 – is overwhelmingly the product of intelligence agencies, he argues, pointing out the roles of patsies and fall-guys, of networks of moles inside the government and the media, of anonymous professionals who actually carry out the atrocities the public sees, and of secret command cells in privatized paramilitary settings.... Tarpley outlines the long history of terrorism as a tool to manipulate public opinion in favor of war and dictatorship, from Guy Fawkes to the Maine to Operation Northwoods. Through his famous spot resolutions which rejected the Polk administration’s official account of the outbreak of the Mexican War, the figure of Abraham Lincoln emerges to exemplify the classical American demand for truth and rejection of government manipulation. "

Original: 911 Truth Inquiry Event Sat. Oct 23 in LA