by peter holderness
Sunday, Oct. 17, 2004 at 9:21 PM
Saturday October 16, 2004 - Thousands marched down Cesar Chavez Avenue this morning, calling for respect and rights for immigrants. (Community/Labor march, not the a.n.s.w.e.r. march up broadway.)

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Saturday October 16, 2004 - Thousands of immigrants and allies marched down Cesar Chavez Ave in East LA calling for immigration reform and rights.
SEIU, UNITE-HERE, Hermanidad, and MIWON, and other groups came out in force, filling the streets across the river to LA's city hall. CA Senator Gil Cedillo and others addressed the crowd at City Hall.
Oddly, a second immigrants rights march began just as this rally was ending. The a.n.s.w.e.r. march ended at a rally on the other side of city hall, as the first rally broke up.
More images in gallery.