Mass Arrests and Police Brutality in New York / Los Angels Activists Arrested

by 1Planet1People Wednesday, Sep. 01, 2004 at 10:37 PM

This is a report from the front lines in the police state of New York.

Mass Arrests and Pol...
gene_and_joe.jpg, image/jpeg, 720x480

If you have been watching the New York Indymedia you know the tensions are high and the police have become the thugs on the street. Yesterday there was a march that lasted over two hours when, for no reason, the police pulled a fence through the middle of the crowd. They then opened a small hole in the gates and two plain clothed police officers drove two motor scooters into the crowd, running into people and hurting them. Today during several protests people followed the directions of the police department and were lead into fenced areas where they were arrested. Three of the people arrested are well known to the Los Angels area. Gene, Kim, and Joe are in a room down at the pier waiting to go in front of a judge. They are registered with Independent Media and are working in the role of media reporter and were covering the march starting from Union Park. The police directed them down a side road, when the march reached the end of the block police blocked their way and did not let them go any further and put up the gates behind them. The only reason people are being arrested is because they are abiding by the law and listening to law enforcement personal. The lessons learned here are that you never enter a caged protest and that you never, I repeat, never listen to an officer of the law when you are protesting anything in the capitalist system. The room that they are being housed in has a floor covered in oil and gas. They provide small metal benches that are also covered in oil. They should be out by tomorrow sometime. I will post more updates when I hear them.

It would mean a lot to the people arrested here if there is another show of solidarity back home.