by Marcus
Friday, May. 21, 2004 at 7:33 PM
Tuesday, May 18th, between 6 PM and 8 PM, about 60 people showed up in Westwood to protest against US and French occupation in Haiti.

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Tuesday, May 18th, between 6 PM and 8 PM, about 60 people showed up in Westwood to protest against US and French occupation in Haiti.
With everybody focusing on the war in Iraq, it seems that all other important issues in US and world affairs go under people personal radars: education, heath care, pollution, and also the destabilization of countries such as Venezuela and Haiti by the CIA.
In Port-Au-Prince, there is a witch hunt. Lavalas party members, Aristide followers are being detained or kill on the spot by the “rebels” helped by US and French troops said a speaker at the rally.